Thursday, February 2, 2023

Phony Suspension

Looking back to my last post, in 2015, I was on to something.  Little did I know, it would be as bad, and worse, going forward.

Coming full circle, almost seven years later, another suspension takes place.  Different issue entirely.

But, same, in some ways.  Let me explain.

The issue in 2015 was animal abuse and a participant's status in various dog sports. Flyball was partly emulating the well-known AKC with it's policies.  Both flyball organizations took action to suspend the participant convicted of animal abuse.  

You can read the post from 2015 for more details.

Now, comes another suspension.  Well, actually a permanent revocation of participant status.  Different participant.  Different issue entirely.  And, this go around, only one flyball organization took action.

Can you guess which one?

Can you guess what it was for?

Want a hint?

It wasn't anything to do with dogs or playing the sport or personal behavior that hurt anyone or (not) even unsportsmanship.  It wasn't anything to do with the sport at all.

It was, however, about abuse.  Abuse by the flyball organization and it's host clubs.

The events that led up to one flyball organization taking action were strictly personal in nature.  And, they promulgated their abuse by bullying host clubs into compliance with their actions.

Actions against one person.

Actions against a 20-year+ veteran of the sport.  Against a person who had not done anything remotely wrong.  Nor, remotely against the sport.  Or, remotely against a dog or another participant.  None of the things you'd expect a person to be permanently suspended for.

It was, by all the facts, a personal vendetta by one or more of the flyball organization officers.  Against only one person.

This person was censored online, kicked out of flyball groups, blocked from flyball groups, and harassed and retaliated against in many forms for many months.  Including, get this, coercion using phony legal and law enforcement tactics.  One even occurred via an out of state resource.  

Again, for what?

Did you guess correctly?

That's right.  Masks.

Does this sound ok to you?

The truth matters and it will be brought to light one day soon.


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